Architect end to end Big Data solutions from Big Data application and infrastructure point of view_ _ Identify right Big Data technology (MapReduce, Yarn, Pig, Sqoop, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Oozie, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB, Hue, Flume, Solr, NoSQL Databases, APIs, Spark, Storm, Samza, Kafka, Avro, ) stack based on business scenarios.

Provide design patterns for building frameworks for data ingestion, loading and transformation_ _ Provide design patterns for building frameworks for analytics and reporting on Big Data_ _ Provide best practices for the performance tuning to handle large scale data volumes, real time data volumes and transformations._ _ Provide best practices for security integration, backup/recover, change management processes and scheduling batch jobs._ _ Identify use cases for the Big Data technology stack_ _ Design complex highly scalable statistical models and solutions that comply with security requirements_ _ Define/Design APIs for integration with various data sources in the enterprise_ _ Actively collaborate with other architects and developers in developing client solutions_ _ Works with Project Manager to perform detailed planning, risks/issues escalation.

Rate/Salary ($)


Hourly based

Remote Job


Job Overview
Job Posted:
10 months ago
Job Expire:
10 months from now
Job Type
Full Time
Job Role
IT Professional
Bachelor's Degree
10+ Years
Total Vacancies
1 Person

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Saline County,Illinois,United States