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Company Description
Tainerex Mystery Shopping: Improving Customers Experiences

We are currently in contract with some stores ( Wal-Mart, Staples, Costco, BestBuy, Shoppers Drug Mart, CVS, Walgreen, Grocery Store, Shell Gas Stations; IKEA Stores e.t.c ), post office (USPS & FedEx), financial institutions (Banks). Application is currently out for individual interested in shopping and survey.

Secret survey and shopping as seen on ABC NEWS, NBC NEWS, L.A TIMES. Stores, organization such as Walmart, Kmart, Amazon, Pizza Hut e.t.c. One amongst many others pay for secret survey and shoppers to shop in their establishment and report their experiences

When we partner with you, we roll up our sleeves and deliver. We help you design a program to view your business and brand from a variety of perspectives. Together we gather and interpret your data to see exactly how to improve your business offerings, employee performance, customer loyalty and ultimately  advance your bottom line.
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